Friday 6 October 2017

Netflix of Games

Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog about video game. Instead of writing about Easter eggs, I want to talk about something else, something that will change how we play and purchase our video games.
Recently EA announced a subscription service, which basically means that player who pays a small monthly fee can have access to all EA produced Games such as Assassin’s Creed, Battlefield and Fifa series. This idea could be the ultimate solution to many major problems that bother the entire gaming society, but it still needs more collaborative work with companies such as Ubisoft and Microsoft in5 order to become the Netflix of video games.
 The biggest problem that gaming industry face is that most games in the market seem to be sharing the same style and mechanic.  For example, Can you imagine a game that you can shoot at random people while Polices try to kill you? It is possible that GTAV or watchdogs 2 instantly flash over your eyes, but I wasn’t talking about any particular games at all because almost all open-world-games share this kind of gameplay experience. Peoples are likely to only purchase one of them which seem to have best graphics. As a result, game companies will make less profit, and this greatly damaged the industry because, in order to beat their competitors, game companies such as EA and Rockstar are forced to put more money into upgrading their games’ graphic and visual effect instead of putting their effort into developing new style and experience.
Before we get into EA’s subscription service, let us understand Netflix’s benefit over the entire entertainment industry. Netflix are successful because it offers content that traditional TY cannot deliver, such as series that are too violent or offensive to be showed on TY. For example, without Netflix ‘House of Cards’ will be quite different than what we have because cursing and critic of politic will be canceled in order to be appropriate on TY. When Netflix rolls around, many series that might be popular were sponsored by Netflix. Netflix won’t need to worry about taking too much of a risk because there are many major movies and shows to guarantee its survival. On the other hand, those unnoticed series will have a chance to enter public’s sight; even if it is a failure, Netflix as a whole won’t be critically damaged.  
 The Game’s Netflix provides a chance for every game a chance to be played because with an unlimited access to all games, players won’t need to worry about spending too much money are similar games. Even better, some small beget games with a creative mechanic can attract more people’s attention, even though it lacks a visually stunning graphics. This type of market can urge development of creative games because it will grasp games’ interests once people decided to give it a try. 
Although EA’s gaming Netflix seems too perfect to fail, it will still need to work with other studios and companies to create a massive non-exclusive, ever-expanding library of games. If all companies such as Ubisoft and Sony also decided to establish their own platform of this kind of games, and have titles fragmented between them, then this idea will fail because gamers will still face the choice of either buy the service that consists GTA or Watchdogs.
Thank you very much for reading about some of my opinion about the Subscription Services. Please be excited about the next post that will continual ‘A Guide to Easter Egg Searching’ which will come very soon.

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