Friday 3 November 2017

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching PUBG II

PUBG Part 2:

   Hello everyone, welcome to PUBG Easter egg part 2. Be sure to read this because not only I will ravel PUBG's background stroy, I will also provide some tips that can improve your gaming experience.

In the previous post, we already had some crucial information on the location of this place. The informations are listed below.  

  When USSR and nuclear radiation comes together, there seems to be only two explenation. The first theory is that this island was nuked for unknown reason. This theory is quickly abandoned because there is no sign of any landscapes that suggest a nuke has once exploded. The second theory belives that the map was based on the famous Chernobyl disaster. Chernobly is a nulear power plant located in Ukraine. The 4th reactor was leaked on 26 April 1986; its nuclear radiation directly killed 31 men and caused more than 4000 slow and painful deaths, similar to what a player will experience in the game. There is more than enough evidence to support this theory and they are listed in the following paragraph.

 1 The island was once in USSR's control.
2 The island is contaminanted by deadly nulear radiation.
3 The island was once well develpoed and populated

  A building called school was located in the center of PUBG’s map. It is one of the best place for landing due to its geographic advantage, but the building itself are like direct copy of Middle School Number 3 in Chernobyl.

The swimming pool in PUBG also shares some similarity with the historical picture, their shared simularity cannot be explained as a coincident.

The most important symbols of Chernobyl in PUBG is this abandoned place labeled as ‘Power House’ on the map. It was recognized to be the 4th reactor which broke and caused the disaster. Based on those ruins, this place indeed seems like the center of the disaster.


 Knowing the background story of PUBG might not help you to win the game, but if you pay close attention to the  following tips, you might be able to overpower the other 99 opponents and survive.
  1. Always play on the lowest graphic settings possible
PUBG is not a good time to show of your computer's power, because realistic grass effect will provide cover for your enemyes and result in a suprise attack. Without the distractions of these unnecessary vegetations, it will be much easier for you to aim at a enemy who is hiding in long grass. In the first picture, you can see most of the land without grass blocking your vision. On the second picture, it will be easier for your enemyes to camofluge themsleves in the grass.

 2. Put on your headphone
Although it is not necessary to purchase an expensive headset just for gaming, a decent headphone will increase your ability to identify your enemy. Because PUBG’s excellent sound track system, it is possible to determine the general location of a gunfire. Some skilled player can even manage to identify the type of firearms that was fired.

  3. Look for vehicles
When you need to choose between looting a house or hijack a vehicles, the smart move is to run for the car. Cars in PUBG are the most valuable resources. A car can offers you fast transportation, act as a cover in crossfire and it is simply a pleasure to run over other people.

 After you finished reading this blog, I wish you to remember that I am the first person who found the actual location PUBG. I will also be glad if my tips helps you to do better in the game, but in main time, keep looking forward to another blog of ‘A Guide To Easter Egg Searching,’ until next time, goodbye.

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