Friday 13 October 2017

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching PUBG


PUBG Easter eggs:

Hello everyone! Welcome back to ‘A Guide to Easter Egg Searching’. Although the last post is a bit of a disaster, this series will not be affected.

Image result for pubg cover art
    Recently, a multiplayer survival game called ‘Playerunknows Battleground’ (PUBG) has become very popular along with its iconic victory phrase, “Winner winner chicken dinner”. Although players around the globe seem to be addicted to this game and spend numerous hours on it, no one really knows the actual location where this game takes place. Before I can unravel the secret/Easter egg of this game, it is necessary to introduce some basic ideas of PUBG.

    PUBG has only one map, but it is MASSIVE. This map is around 64 square kilometres and surrounded by ocean. (It is an island, just in case you don’t understand.) The main objective of this game is fairly easy----TO SURVIVE! As a player, you will parachute out of a plane along with other 99 other players. After you land, you need to look for a weapon and kill everyone else. The only weird part is something called ‘Safe Zone’ which is an area that shrinks over time. Players outside of the Safe Zone will receive damage over time, so it is always smart to keep moving and stay in it.

    It is hard to explore the map of PUBG due to other aggressive players who are constantly trying to kill me. After many deaths, I finally managed to travel all over the map. What I found are many symbols that suggest this place was once under the Soviet Union's control but has been abandoned for many years. Structures such as schools and houses tell me that this island was populated by many people and they had a comfortable life, but I spot no sign of any civilian, only the crumble and deserted remains of their once home. Where did residents on this island go? The answer to this question is simple: they are all dead. Even more, they have all been killed at the same time. There isn’t any evidence of events such as battle or plague that can kill so many people at once. Working vehicles and weapons that are scattered over the floor also support my hypothesis, because if people are fleeing from this place, it would be ridiculous not to take their cars and guns. Just as my search is coming to a dead end, I realize the answer is plain and simple. The key information is provided by the concept of Safe Zone! Once a player is out of the Safe Zone, they will continuously receive damage caused by unknown blobs of light. These symptoms are almost identical to those who were exposed to strong nuclear radiation because radiation in real life is capable of causing blood poisoning and retinal detachment.
After linking the Soviet Union to radioactivity, I instantly found what I believe is the real-life location that PUGB is based on

  I thank you for your patience in reading this. Although the final location of PUGB hasn't been reviewed, you are always welcome to make your own hypothesis. The final answer will be reviewed in the next blog, along with some helpful tips for you to beat other players in survival and finally get the delicious chicken dinner. 

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