Friday 22 September 2017

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Skyrim

Skyrim Easter eggs:                                                                                         

        Hello everyone! Welcome to another blog of “A Guide to Easter Egg Searching”. In this blog, I will introduce you to Skyrim, a world populated with humans, monsters, and even dragons. Skyrim is the fifth game in “The Elder Scrolls” series; it was created and published by “Bethesda Game Studio” on November 11th, 2011. This game takes place in Skyrim, a province of the Empire on a fictional continent called Tamriel.

         Although Skyrim is all about fighting and killing, it is always fun to take a break from violence to appreciate the game developer’s effort by searching for some Easter Eggs. In this blog, I am going to introduce you to three classic Easter Eggs.

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1. King Arthur

Related imageIn the 6th   century, King Arthur acquired a sword called Soul Caliber by pulling it out from a rock. This sword fought against the King of Saxons and his evil blade. Later in King Arthur’s life, his favorite sword was broken, so he ordered goblins that lived under a lake to repair it. With great effort, the underwater-goblin-blacksmith finally managed to repair King Arthur’s sword and delivered it to him by holding the sword above water.In Skyrim, if you move to this location, you will find a sword embedded on a pile of rock and surrounded by human corpses. It is even more obvious that this is a reference to King Arthur’s sword, because the name of the sword you will find is called“The Legendary Sword”.

Image result for skyrim lady of the lake Also, northeast of 

Bleakwind Basin, there will be a pond with a skeletal arm holding a sword, which is a reference to the Aquatic goblin in the Legend of King Arthur. Apparently, he is a few hundred years late to pick up his sword, because the flesh of this poor goblin was completely gone and only bones were left to wait for his master.

2.Star Wars

Image result for frost troll skyrimSkyrim is widely appreciated due to the sheer size of its map. Players are able to travel from deserts to swamps, from forests to mountain peaks, and even to snow-covered highlands. If you happen to also be a Star Wars fan, take some time to travel to the Bleakcoast Cave. If you venture into this cave, you will find yourself facing a gigantic Frost Troll. After gruesome battles, multiple tries and many painful deaths, I assume you will finally manage to kill this monster. After some conscientious observation, you may find this cave oddly similar to the cave that Luke Skywalker was trapped in during the fourth movie “Empire Strikes Back”. In one of the scenes in the monster’s cave, Luke was dangled upside down surrounded by animal remains. He reached for his lightsaber that was stuck in snow by the Force. Sadly, in Skyrim’s world, there are no such things such as the Force, because we can only find his skeleton remains and a sword that is left on the floor.
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Image result for star wars 4 snow monster scene

3.The Three Billy Goats Gruff
Image result for billy goats gruff

   The Three Billy Goats Gruff is a popular bedtime story for children. It talks about three clever goats tricking and killing a stupid Troll by kept telling the troll that there will be a fatter goat coming to him. Eventually, the last goat is so fat that it pushes the Troll under the bridge and drowns him. You will be able to find this Easter egg by patrolling the area at the very west end of Skyrim’s map, directly to the south of castle Markarth and near the Purewater Run. There will be three goats walking over a bridge with a dead troll under it.
     These are the three Easter eggs that I find interesting in the game Skyrim. Please keep following my blog and have fun while checking out these Easter Eggs. If you find any interesting Easter Egg, feel free to share them in the comments below.

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