Tuesday 24 April 2018

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Just Cause 3 Part Two

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to A Guide to Easter Egg Searching. In today's post, I will continue to share Easter Eggs from the game Just Cause 3; in the previous posts, we have covered Easter Eggs about Donkey Kong, Doctor Who and Back to the Future. In today's post, we will be looking at Easter Eggs about some more recent movie and games.     

    1. Mario Kart     

   A dirt road along the side of a seemingly ordinary mountain in the Falcon province will lead you to two homemade wooden karts. If you hop into one kart, your rebellious artist friend called 'Mario' will appear in the other kart and challenge you to a race. If you win the race, this kart will appear as a usable item during the rest of the game.  


This Easter Egg is my favourite because it requires some time to realize the reference to Mario Kart.    The wooden kart is surprisingly fast and serves as a getaway car very well.    

2. Thor's Hammer    
    If you travel to this exact location on the map, you will be able to find a small crater.

 In the middle of the crater, instead of an asteroid, Thor's hammer Mjolnir can be found. It seems the hammer had landed here instead of Texas.
    Apparently, you are not considered "worthy" by the hammer because the hammer can neither be picked up, or destroyed. Legends say that Mjolnir can only be picked up by Thor.

3. Great White Shark    


    Today's video game developers must have been heavily affected by the 1975 movie Jaws. Similar to the game Battlefield One, Just Cause 3 also has its very own Great White Shark.    To access this Easter Egg, you will have to enter the lowest floor of this facility and jump into the pool. Through the swimming pool's clear floor, you will be able to witness a Great White Shark seeking its prey.     

    Thank you very much for reading this post and I realized that I did not introduce the story of Just Cause 3. For those who are not familiar with the game, here is a brief summary of the story.     
Rico and his friend Mario
    The protagonist of this story is a mercenary called Rico Rodriguez. After working for the US secret service for many years, he finally returns to his homeland of Medici, a fictional Mediterranean republic that has fallen under the control of a military dictator government lead by General Sebastiano Di Ravello, the antagonist of the story. After joining the rebel forces led by his childhood friend Mario, Rico destroys Ravello's military base one by one and gradually frees Medici. During the climax of the story, the powerful dictator with his latest, strongest weapon-a helicopter that fires nuclear missiles challenges Rico to a duel. The story ends with a final epic battle on the mouth of a live volcano between Rico with his wing suit against Revello's helicopter.