Friday 16 February 2018

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Google EE

Google Easter Eggs:

Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog of ‘A Guide to Easter Egg Searching’. In this blog, we will explore Easter Eggs from Google's search engine. Although Google is full of useful information and facts, some Easter Eggs exist only for fun. This blog will introduce a list of cool Easter Eggs which you can show your friends.

1. Google Pac-Man
PAC-MAN is an arcade game developed by Namco and was first released in Japan in May 1980. It was created by Japanese video game designer Toru Iwatani.  In 2010, the 30th-year anniversary of Pac Man's release, Google adapted the game’s feature to their logo. Due to great popularity, Google kept this feature and you find it simply by searching ‘Google PAC-MAN’.

2. Barrel Roll
The second Easter Egg is much like a joke. Whenever you search ‘Do a barrel roll’, you will see the whole website do a barrel roll.

3. Askew
Type ‘Askew’ in the search box and hit ‘Enter’. The whole site will tilt a bit to the right. The reason for this Easter Egg is still unknown but I am sure it is ‘42’.

4. 42
On long sleepless nights, many people may ask the question of what is the purpose of the universe and life; according to Google, ‘42’ is the answer to life, the universe and everything!

I hope you enjoy this Easter Eggs and have a nice long weekend.

Friday 9 February 2018

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching First Strike

First Strike Easter Egg:
Hello everyone, welcome back to another post of “A Guide to Easter Egg Searching”. In this week’s post, we will be taking a look at a mobile game. Despite many criticisms on mobile games' poor quality, the game called First Strike Final Hour achieved great success in graphics and the overall game plays.

         First Strike final Hour is a single-player mobile game which allows us to command a world superpower. The objective of this game is to lead your country to survive in a nuclear war while destroying all other nations. The game itself is all about global warfare, however, the message which this game is trying to deliver is the exact opposite. In this piece of writing, we will be looking at many small details in First Strike Final Hour which express its anti-war theme.

After you install this game on your phone and play it for the first time, you will see a message which reads “ EVEN IN 2018, MANKIND STILL POSSESS THE POWER TO BOMB ITSELF BACK TO THE STONE AGE.” This quote is a reference to the cold war era when both the United States and Soviet Russia threatened to destroy each other by missiles. The quote here almost sounds like a criticism that we still can not solve this problem today.
When you eventually win a game, a big “YOU WIN?” will appear on the top of the screen. There will also be a summary of the number of nations destroyed, casualties caused and megatons of explosives used. The question mark after "YOU WIN" is asking you whether winning the war is worthwhile. In fact, even though your country won the great nuclear war, you actually ended the future of this planet because the majority of the land was all highly polluted by nuclear waste and no life can possibly survive there.
   It seems that the game only suggests a grim future, but it is not the case because there is a hidden way to win the game without massive wars. To trigger this ending, in the beginning of a game, instead of expanding your territories and building more arsenals, you need to defuse all of your nuclear warheads and keep the