Friday 19 January 2018

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Black Flag

 Hello everyone, welcome to another post of ' A Guide to Easter Egg Searching.' In this post, we will look into the game ‘Black Flag’ from the famous Assassins Creed series. The game itself was released back in 2013, but both of its story and the graphics are extraordinary even compared to today's standards. The story is set in the 18th century in the Caribbean Sea during the Gold Age of Piracy and follows the legendary pirate Edward Kenway who is working to establish a pirate Uptopia, free from both British and Spanish controls. The map of this game consists of a number of islands but mostly the vast ocean itself, therefore, it would be a surprise not to find any Easter eggs in it.

1. Giant Squid VS White Whale

The giant squid is the nightmare for every sailor with terrifying legend and tales claim that giant tentacles rise from the ocean and drag the whole ship down into the abyss with it. In this case, you can witness a battle between two largest creature in the ocean with your own Eyes.

After you completed Chapter six of memory one, this ship-wreck site will be available for exploring. If you swim into the remains of this boat and stay very still for a few seconds, you will be able to see this awesome cut-scene of a Giant squid attacks and kills a white whale.

2.The Movie Poster

On the second floor of a company called “Abstitro Entertainment”, you can find an Assassin's Creed movie poster. It is sad to think that Ubisoft had worked on this movie since 2013 because the Assassin's Creed movie form 2017 turned out to be so disappointing.
3.John From IT
I personally found this Easter egg the most interesting because it was so well hidden. In Fact, it took months for players to notice it even after Ubisoft publicly announced it was in the game. To find this Easter egg, you will need a PC version of the game and look into the game’s soundtrack file. In that file, you will find a one-minute voice recording of a man called John from the IT department. In this short recording, John talks directly toward us players and ferociously criticized us for being a disgusting human being. After that, he even tried to persuade players to become an astronaut. I have left a link in the comments section for you to watch this Easter egg for yourself.

I hope you enjoyed this three Easter eggs from Assassin’s Creed 4 Black Flag and have a nice weekend. Don’t forget to check out this game for yourself because it definitely has superior quality over some of the more recent games.