Wednesday 27 December 2017

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Hitman

Hello everyone, welcome to another blog of “ A Guide to Easter Egg Searching.”  In this blog, we will be focusing on Hitman, a stealth video game series developed by the Danish company IO Interactive. The story of Hitman follows Agent 47, a cloned supersoldier, to travelling around the globe assassinating people for profits. This franchise is well known due to its excellent story and elegant maps, naturally, it will also deliver some good quality Easter eggs. In this blog, we will search Hitman’s Japan and Thailand map for some special Easter eggs.

1.Godzilla    Since Japan is the birthplace of this world famous monster, it makes sense to have Godzilla as an Easter egg. Just like defeating a monster, it is considered a harder Easter egg to trigger. You will first climb up the Japanese hospital’s roof.
When you made it, look for a flickering lantern, you will need to walk in this specific panter to inclose on it. It is crucial to follow this pattern because if you made a mistake or decided to go straight to the edge of the roof, the lantern will disappear forever unless you start from the last checkpoint.

   I assume you made it to the edge of the roof without making any mistake and it is normal to have a few tries. Now, you can shoot the lantern with any weapon you got on your hand and stare at the horizon because you will find yourself looking at a living Godzilla.Yeah, the Godzilla is ugly.

2. La Cucaracha If you have ever been to Thailand, you are likely to remember some close encounter with insects in various shapes and sizes. Try to be a bit more friendly to small insect because this Easter egg will show you the biggest cockroach, or it might even be the biggest living thing ever.

If you want to see this Easter egg for yourself, you need to start with acquiring this the exterminator outfit. The easiest way to simply attach the driver of the brown van with BUG SWAT printed on the side. Once you got this outfit, you will need to talk to the hotel manager which is this lady wearing green. You will have to ask her to evacuate the second floor so you can “do your thing.” After that, you will be able to make your way into the very back of the music studio on the second floor without anyone stopping you. Once you are in, look for a keyboard, you will be able to interact with this keyboard and play a tune called ‘La Cucaracha’ which translate to ‘The cockroach.’A shrill wail is a signal that you have done your work properly. With your eyes open big, in the front of the hotel, you will be able to see a giant cockroach looming over the city.

Thank you very much for your attention. I hope you can enjoy this Easter Eggs and have a very nice holiday.

Friday 8 December 2017

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Battlefield I

Battlefield Easter Egg:

Related image

Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog of 'A Guide to Easter Egg Searching.' In this blog, I will introduce you to Battlefield I. It is the most successful FPS ( first person shooter) game made by EA.    s classic Multiplayer game was set in the WW1 era, which consist primitive fire arms and brutal fighting techniques.  There aren't many much Easter eggs to look for in this game because players spend the majority of their time on killing each other, but there is one particular Easter egg that I found interesting and worth sharing. In this incredible Easter egg, you will be able to wake up the big white the awesome movie JAWS.

The first thing you need to do is find at least 3 other boring friend who are willing to play the game with you, because this Easter egg requires some teamwork. After you managed to do that, enter the map called "Fort de Vaux" and look for three identical red valves in the following locations:

                       1. At the rubble corner on Fort de Vaux

                           2. On the A capture point where the ground can be blow away with a explosives 

                       3.In a corrido between Capture D and E

Image result for battlefield 1 sharkThe three of you will need to turn all the valves at exact same time. If it sis done correctly, a puddle out side the Fort will be filled with muddy water.

The next step is to wake up the beast, you can do this by throwing a few grenade in any toilet found in the Fort. After that, in order to  lure it  onto the surface, you are required to make a few blood sacrifices. You can kill a few of your friend with a knife in the newly formed muddy puddle and make sure there is blood every where. when the puddle turned completely red, you know the shark is ready to come out. When a careless soldier enters into the water, a gigantic shark will leap out of the surface kill him instantly.

Image result for battlefield 1 shark So in the end, watch out for suspicious puddles in Battlefield I  because you will never know that dangerous beast is lurking under the surface.