Saturday 16 June 2018

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Just Cause 3

Hello everyone! Welcome to 'A Guide to Easter Egg Searching'. In today’s post, I will be sharing a few interesting Easter Eggs from the game Just Cause 3.   Just Cause 3  is a third-person, open-map, RPG game. It was developed by Avalanche Studio and published by Square Enix on December 1, 2015 as the final game of the Just Cause series. If you own a decent computer or a home console, I highly recommend you to experience the stunning graphics and gameplay of Just Cause 3. This game is  crowned with Easter Eggs, cultural references, memes and other secrets that make it still fun to explore even after completing the main story missions. This post is part one of a three part post to cover all of the Easter Egg                             s. Image result for just cause 3 dk pistol

  1. DK pistol

On the coast of Vico Platessa province stands a small town just north of Trio; on the roof of one of the villas, a small handgun can be found. When you pick up the handgun, your head will instantly expand, like it has been turned into a balloon. Using this pistol against any other character will not cause any harm to them other than a slight increase in their head size. If you hit a character multiple times, his head will expand so much that he will fly away just like a balloon.
Image result for just cause 3 dk pistol

This Easter Egg is a reference to the “DK Mode” in GoldenEye N64 which was a famous first-person shooting game in 1995. In GoldenEye, when you turned on the DK mode, every enemy soldiers’ head will grow bigger. The images of all of these people with large heads refer  back to the classic Donkey Kong character.

Image result for dk pistol   

Image result for donkey kong


2. The Weeping Angels

At the intersection of the Insula Striate province and the Litore Toratio province, there is an Easter Egg that refers to the TV show Doctor Who and the Weeping Angels. In the middle of some stone ruins, you can find four angel statues. Unlike other statues in the game, these statues will move closer to you when you turn your back on them. They are also immune to explosives; however, they can’t really kill you. In the TV show, a single blink of the eye is enough for a Weeping Angel to kill its prey. Weeping Angels cannot move or change their positions while being looked at. To avoid being trapped in a dead end lock with other angels, Weeping Angels often cover their faces with their hands and gives the illusion that they are crying. The doctor (from Doctor Who) killed a group of Weeping Angels by filming all of them with a CCTV camera and forcing all the angels to view each other through a screen.

               Related image

  3.  Delorean DCM-12
Image result for back to future
During many missions when you are being tasked to destroy enemy strongholds with bomb loaded vehicles, you will find out the car that you are driving looks very similar to the  iconic DeLorean DCM-12 time machine in Back to the Future movies. When you successfully deliver the bomb, the sound of the explosion is actually a fast play of the Back to the Future theme music.
Image result for just cause 3 back to future

Thank you very much for your time and make sure to come back next week for part two of Just Cause 3 Easter Eggs.

Tuesday 24 April 2018

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Just Cause 3 Part Two

    Hello everyone! Welcome back to A Guide to Easter Egg Searching. In today's post, I will continue to share Easter Eggs from the game Just Cause 3; in the previous posts, we have covered Easter Eggs about Donkey Kong, Doctor Who and Back to the Future. In today's post, we will be looking at Easter Eggs about some more recent movie and games.     

    1. Mario Kart     

   A dirt road along the side of a seemingly ordinary mountain in the Falcon province will lead you to two homemade wooden karts. If you hop into one kart, your rebellious artist friend called 'Mario' will appear in the other kart and challenge you to a race. If you win the race, this kart will appear as a usable item during the rest of the game.  


This Easter Egg is my favourite because it requires some time to realize the reference to Mario Kart.    The wooden kart is surprisingly fast and serves as a getaway car very well.    

2. Thor's Hammer    
    If you travel to this exact location on the map, you will be able to find a small crater.

 In the middle of the crater, instead of an asteroid, Thor's hammer Mjolnir can be found. It seems the hammer had landed here instead of Texas.
    Apparently, you are not considered "worthy" by the hammer because the hammer can neither be picked up, or destroyed. Legends say that Mjolnir can only be picked up by Thor.

3. Great White Shark    


    Today's video game developers must have been heavily affected by the 1975 movie Jaws. Similar to the game Battlefield One, Just Cause 3 also has its very own Great White Shark.    To access this Easter Egg, you will have to enter the lowest floor of this facility and jump into the pool. Through the swimming pool's clear floor, you will be able to witness a Great White Shark seeking its prey.     

    Thank you very much for reading this post and I realized that I did not introduce the story of Just Cause 3. For those who are not familiar with the game, here is a brief summary of the story.     
Rico and his friend Mario
    The protagonist of this story is a mercenary called Rico Rodriguez. After working for the US secret service for many years, he finally returns to his homeland of Medici, a fictional Mediterranean republic that has fallen under the control of a military dictator government lead by General Sebastiano Di Ravello, the antagonist of the story. After joining the rebel forces led by his childhood friend Mario, Rico destroys Ravello's military base one by one and gradually frees Medici. During the climax of the story, the powerful dictator with his latest, strongest weapon-a helicopter that fires nuclear missiles challenges Rico to a duel. The story ends with a final epic battle on the mouth of a live volcano between Rico with his wing suit against Revello's helicopter. 


Friday 9 March 2018


Successes and failures:

In this blog, I will not be able to discuss any gaming Easter Egg due to reasons which I can not explain.

My last year in high school was a mixture of failures and successes. In this piece of writing, I will reflect on my successes in 2017 as a way to motivate myself in the upcoming challenges.  It is important to understand that having Mr.Baker as my English teacher is what I consider the luckiest/successful thing that happened to me; however, it is heartbreaking to know that a departure with this inspiring man is inevitable in the coming months.

In 2017, my achievements in grades and classes are microscopic even though I managed to keep my scores above the class average. In contrary, my skills in my hobby---plastic model building have greatly improved due to the continuous increase of money and time that were put into it. I have mastered skills such as dry brush, stain wash, and hand painting. With this skills, I was able to improve my productions to a new level.

Dry brushing is a simple yet important technique to increase details on your model. It means applying a tiny amount of the paint on specific areas to mimic the paint chipping off from tanks or mud splashing on legs of foot soldiers. To achieve this effect, you just have dab the head of a dry brush into some undiluted silver/brown paints, brush most of the paints off on a piece of paper then push it on your models. Here are a few pictures of my projects which used this skill.

Stain wash is a bit more complicated but allows me to weather(Make a model look old and used) my models on a larger scale in comparison to dry brush. It also darkens the entire tone of the model to generate a much more realistic feel instead of the plain whiteness of the plastic. The best way to do this is to dilute some black/brown paints with some isopropyl rubbing alcohol and carelessly brush them all over the model. The diluted paint can easily settle in on all creaks, dots and small details on the model. The last thing you will need to do is rub off the paints on flat surfaces on the model with more alcohol hole.

The most commonly used method of making models is hand painting colours on to the model. It is hard because it is almost impossible to paint any parts without getting messy around it.  I solved these problems by using masking tapes to cover up the rest of the model which I will not be painting. It is a relatively boring process to cover up the mot-painting-parts but the effects it delivers are incredible.

It is not true to say that I never messed-up on any of my projects, but both the successful and unsuccessful models taught the importance of being creative to solve problems and confronting difficulties with all my might. I believe this lessons will not only benefit my hobby but also my life.

Here are some pictures of my models:

Friday 16 February 2018

A Guide to Easter Egg Searching Google EE

Google Easter Eggs:

Hello everyone, welcome back to another blog of ‘A Guide to Easter Egg Searching’. In this blog, we will explore Easter Eggs from Google's search engine. Although Google is full of useful information and facts, some Easter Eggs exist only for fun. This blog will introduce a list of cool Easter Eggs which you can show your friends.

1. Google Pac-Man
PAC-MAN is an arcade game developed by Namco and was first released in Japan in May 1980. It was created by Japanese video game designer Toru Iwatani.  In 2010, the 30th-year anniversary of Pac Man's release, Google adapted the game’s feature to their logo. Due to great popularity, Google kept this feature and you find it simply by searching ‘Google PAC-MAN’.

2. Barrel Roll
The second Easter Egg is much like a joke. Whenever you search ‘Do a barrel roll’, you will see the whole website do a barrel roll.

3. Askew
Type ‘Askew’ in the search box and hit ‘Enter’. The whole site will tilt a bit to the right. The reason for this Easter Egg is still unknown but I am sure it is ‘42’.

4. 42
On long sleepless nights, many people may ask the question of what is the purpose of the universe and life; according to Google, ‘42’ is the answer to life, the universe and everything!

I hope you enjoy this Easter Eggs and have a nice long weekend.